About Ivan Fyodorovich

Artist Ivan Fyodorovich has enjoyed a lengthy and distinguished career in
the field of classical music both as composer and orchestral and opera
conductor. In parallel, since childhood he has been very attracted to the
plastic arts and has been creating work both in painting and sculpture.

The 2020 lockdown completely stopped all music and stage performances, but
on the other hand, made it possible for the artist to focus on that aspect of his
creative potential that previously, for professional reasons, was unable to
bring to fruition.

We can distinguish four key elements in Ivan Fyodorovich’s creative style
3D painting on physical objects (non digital). Images that get distorted as
the observer’s point of view moves. Use of recycled materials and found objects.
The influence
of Streetart

Ivan Fyodorovich has always declared a strong
attraction towards optical illusions and reality distortions as can be observed
in Escher’s drawings, Francis Bacon´s portraits

One the strongest influence's on Ivan Fyodorovich's approach to perspective is the painting “The Ambassadors” by Hans Holbein hin
which a strange shape in the middle of the the painting is revealed as a skull
when viewed from the right spot at the side of the work.

Ivan Fyodorovich´s working process can be divided into
two phases: The first stage consists of creating an irregular 3d base structure
constructed out of recycled materials

In the second stage the artist paints a realistic image on the irregular three-dimensional
structure previously built. There is no intention to adapt the realistic image
to the 3D base; both ideas are independent and when they clash magic happens.
The realistic image gets distorted according to the observer’s point of view.
The clear focused image can only be obtained from a specific point in space,

Ivan Fyodorovich’s interest in working with
recycled materials comes from his time as artistic director of the University of
Valladolid Opera Project. Part of his job description consisted of designing and
building the sets. As the budget was very limited, he had look for alternative
creative solutions to produce the scenography

He soon discovered that recycling cardboard boxes, food containers or
plastic bottles was a very effective way of getting hold of materials to create
groundbreaking opera sets as well as contribute to keep the planet cleaner.

Later on Ivan Fyodorovich adapted this technique to his art painting work using
recycled materials such as cardboard boxes, soda cans, plastic bottles, and any
ordinary found object that otherwise would have ended up in the bin.

Ivan Fyodorovich. Self-Portrait of the Artist as a Mad Man. Acrylic on Recycled Old Shoes